Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Beginning of... well, this.

I never really thought I would ever do a blog, and this might not last all that long... but recently, I've had things I wanted to share or thoughts to express, and I just didn't feel that Facebook or Twitter was the right place to do it. So we'll see how this goes.

This blog will most likely be a host to a variety of subjects or streams of consciousness... but don't be shocked if a large amount of the content deals with Star Wars. It's a universe that I have been firmly rooted in since I first stood in line in 1977 to see Star Wars at age 9. It has been such a huge part of my life for a long time, so expect a large number of Star Wars related blog posts.

I'm really not sure how often I will be posting or how complex and in-depth these posts will be, so we'll have to see...